Classification index

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Industry Code Description Rate code Premium rate
A1101 Artificial insemination A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1102 Poultry collection and loading. A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1103 Nurseries, tree or shrub A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1106 Commercial fishing (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1107 Trapping (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1108 Fur farming (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1109 Wild rice growing (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1110 Fish hatcheries (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1112 Market gardening A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1114 Piggery (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1115 Honey processing and apiaries A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1116 Operation of feedlots, other livestock yards (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1117 Operation of stockyards with railway entry A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1118 Auctioneering of livestock and/or machinery A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1119 Lawn maintenance, snow removal (small equipment), garden tilling, horticulture. A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1120 Riding academies, stables A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A1122 Tree Planting A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.10
A2101 Grain or mixed farming (voluntary) A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A2102 Ranching, dairy farming (voluntary) A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A2103 Grazing co-operatives (voluntary) A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A2104 Sod farming, other farming not voluntary. A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A2106 Fertilizer and chemical application. A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A2107 Vegetation control, mosquito and tree spraying A21 - Farming and Ranching 1.50
A3101 Operation of grain elevators, inland terminals and grain handlers A31 - Grain Elevators and Inland Terminals 0.72
B1101 Plumbing, heating, roto-rooter service, air conditioning, furnace repair and service, sewer and water maintenance B11 - Construction Trades 1.79