Return-to-work plan information for workers

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A return-to-work plan is based on your injuries and what you can and can’t do at work. Find out the purpose of a plan and what a plan includes.

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A return-to-work plan is based on your injuries and what you can and can’t do at work. The plan helps your employer fit your job to what your injury lets you do.

This plan includes:

  • A checklist of what job duties you can safely do with your injury.
  • New job duties that you can safely do with temporary or permanent limits because of your injury.
  • Training for new job duties or for other jobs with the same employer.
  • Training to help you match your job goals.
  • Changes to your workspace.
  • Follow up services to help you and your employer adjust to your new work arrangement.

Your co-operation is important

A co-operatively developed return-to-work plan assists your recovery by making returning to the workplace a part of the rehabilitation process. The Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board’s (WCB’s) return-to-work program takes a partnership approach in the development of a return-to-work plan for you, which is most effective when it involves you, your employer, care providers and the WCB.

Members of the treatment team and representatives of the WCB work with your employer to assist you back to full duties, if possible. If a gradual return to full duties is required, the WCB supports that as part of the rehabilitation process.

You’re expected to co-operate with your return-to-work plan to reduce your wage loss. You’re also expected to work closely with your care provider and co-operate fully in your treatment and rehabilitation. You are responsible for contacting your customer care facilitator immediately when you return to work on modified duties or when you return to your pre-injury duties.

Learn more about the return-to-work process and your responsibilities, as well as the responsibilities of your employer, health-care providers and the WCB during your recovery.

Frequently asked questions

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A: If you don’t co-operate when you are considered fit to return to some kind of work, the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is required, by law, to decide if your benefits should continue or be suspended, reduced or stopped altogether, based on the reasons you give for not co-operating.

A: If you can’t go back to your old job because of physical limits to what you can do due to your work injury, the WCB will work with you to find another job with the same employer you had before the injury.

If you have to change jobs because of your injury, the WCB isn’t responsible for actually finding you a job. However, your customer care facilitator team can help you with your job search by providing vocational services.

A: No. Not finding a job doesn’t mean you can stay on compensation.

A: The WCB will pay you the difference between what you earn at the lower rate of pay and your earnings loss benefits based on your regular pay.

A: Even after you return to work and your earnings loss benefits stop, the WCB must make sure your work injury is treated until you fully recover. If the effects of your injury come back, see your care provider right away and have them send a report to the WCB about your medical condition.

Also, write or call your WCB representative and tell them what’s happening to you and why you think it’s related to your original injury. If the WCB decides that the problems you’re having now are because of your original injury, you could go back on benefits.

A: All medical and hospital costs associated with your work-related injury are paid directly by the WCB. This includes artificial limbs, braces and orthopedic and prosthetic aids. If you incur out-of-pocket expenses for prescriptions and other medical supplies prescribed by your health-care professional, the WCB will pay for them when the receipts are submitted with your claim number. The WCB will reimburse on faxed, emailed or copies of receipts. Keep your original receipts for 12 months in case an audit is required.

A: The WCB pays appropriate travel and living expenses if out-of-pocket expenses are incurred to receive treatment out of province. You should get approval from your customer care facilitator before leaving the province to ensure compensation benefits are continued. Out-of-province treatment is paid for at Saskatchewan rates, except in special circumstances.

A: If you cannot return to your previous job because of work restrictions caused by your injury, the WCB may pay for alterations to your home, vehicle or workplace to reduce or offset those restrictions and enable a return to work. Career counselling, job search assistance and job training may also be provided.

A: In cases of catastrophic injury, the WCB may provide personal care or home modifications. If a worker is killed on the job, counselling and retraining may be offered to the dependent spouse.


Contact information

Contact a WCB representative to find help.

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