Safety and prevention

The WCB was founded to assist workers and employers in the case of a workplace injury. Our compensation system protects employers from lawsuits and provides benefits and support to workers to help them recover from the devastating impacts of an injury – or support their families when a death occurs. To that end, the WCB invests heavily in injury prevention, working toward our goal of zero injuries and zero fatalities.

With the combined efforts of workers, employers, safety associations, safety leaders across the province and labour, the WCB is relentlessly working to ensure all workers within the province have the healthy and safe workplace they deserve. Every injury is predictable and preventable. Our customers rely on us to help them eliminate injuries. This is the essence of our vision statement – We eliminate injuries and restore abilities.

Eliminating hazards in the workplace requires the co-operation of everyone: employers, workers and customers. Through WorkSafe Saskatchewan, the partnership between the WCB and the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, the WCB helps employers and workers prevent injuries in their workplaces.

Here is a list of resources you can use to promote and improve safety at your workplace:

WorkSafe Saskatchewan

This website contains a collection of occupational health and safety resources designed to help workers and employers prevent injuries and illnesses in their workplaces. This includes information for youth, return-to-work training courses and industry and injury-specific prevention information. Learn more on WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s website

Safety associations

The WCB funds and works co-operatively with a number of safety associations to promote injury prevention in a variety of industries. The WCB recognizes that the effectiveness of safety associations is dependent on comprehensive information concerning claims activity in their industries. Data of individual employer claim activity is provided to the safety association for their funded rate codes, without identifying individual workers as supported by Section 172 of The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the Act) and Section 29 of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

To see if your rate code has a safety association, review your WCB premium rate notice or visit

View our safety association guidelines to find out how to:

  • Establish a safety association for the purpose of injury prevention and safety
  • Apply for funding

Get in touch with us

Looking to contact the WCB? We're here to help.

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Learn more about injury prevention