Additional support and rehabilitation
When you leave the hospital, you may need additional benefits to recover from your injury. Learn what benefits the WCB may cover, how to plan your return to work and how to help your loved one.
When a worker is seriously injured as a result of a workplace injury, family members can get support from the WCB, as outlined in The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013.
In addition to travel and child care support, the WCB may also pay for things such as:
- family member earnings loss
- laundry
- parking
For more information, contact your WCB customer care facilitator or call 1.800.667.7590.
Your rehabilitation
When you leave the hospital, you may need additional benefits to recover from your injury. The WCB may cover these benefits, which may include:
- physical rehabilitation (including treatments at specialized facilities)
- counselling
- prosthetics
- orthotics
- personal and nursing care
- medical supplies and equipment (e.g., a wheelchair or dressings for a wound)
- prescription drugs
- therapeutic treatments (e.g., massage or physiotherapy)
In some situations, the WCB may also pay for:
- home modifications (e.g., ramps and door widening to accommodate a wheelchair)
- vehicle modifications if your injury prevents you from driving otherwise (e.g., hand controls)
Get approval first
Check with your customer care facilitator before buying any equipment or getting treatment. Your customer care facilitator needs to authorize all your health care benefits in advance and relies on input from your care providers. If you’re billed directly for something that might be covered by the WCB, submit your receipt(s) to your case manager.
When you’re ready to return to work
After your injury, you may wonder how you will be able to return to work. A vocational rehabilitation specialist will answer your questions and help you plan your return to work. The vocational rehabilitation specialist will work with you to identify a suitable return-to-work plan.
If you are able to return to work, you will be involved in your return-to-work plan and help set the goals that fit your interests, skills and abilities. Depending on your circumstances, your return-to-work plan may involve goal setting, skill development, retraining, job-search assistance or other support to help you successfully return to work or the community.
We’ll help you reach your maximum vocational potential, whether it’s through full- or part-time work or volunteer activities. There are many ways you can continue making a meaningful contribution to society.
Contact information
The WCB is committed to helping you. We are available to answer your questions.
Extended services unit