Clothing allowance, orthotics and appliances

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If you need to use prosthetic devices, rigid braces or you are confined to a wheelchair because of your work-related injury, you may be eligible for a clothing allowance from the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). This allowance compensates for wear and tear on clothing resulting from such medical equipment.

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Clothing allowance

Eligibility criteria

  • Use of prosthetic devices for upper or lower limb amputations.
  • Requirement of rigid back, neck, leg or full-length braces.
  • Confinement to a wheelchair due to a compensable injury.

Allowance details

  • The allowance is provided monthly or annually, depending on how permanent your needs are.
  • Initial payments start from the date you begin using the device or aid.
  • For temporary needs, monthly payments are issued and continue until you do not need the device anymore.
  • For permanent needs, an annual payment is made each January to cover the upcoming 12 months.

Consumer price index adjustment

The clothing allowance is adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index to account for inflation. For instance, effective Jan. 1, 2024, the CPI increase was 2.9 per cent, affecting various benefits, including clothing allowances.

Application process

  • WCB operations staff determine eligibility based on your medical information and how much you need the device.
  • The WCB approves payment when your need is confirmed. These payments may be reviewed from time to time.

For detailed information, refer to the WCB's policies on clothing allowances and CPI adjustments.

Orthotics and appliances

If you need to use orthotics, appliances, specialized footwear, or eyewear because of a work-related injury, you may qualify for Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) coverage. These devices are provided to help manage costs directly resulting from a compensable injury.

Eligibility criteria

  • Devices such as orthopedic footwear, prosthetic limbs, braces, supports, or specialized eyewear must be medically necessary due to a work injury.
  • A prescription or recommendation from your physician or licensed healthcare provider is required.

Provision details

  • The WCB covers the cost of approved orthotics, appliances, footwear and eyewear, including repair or replacement due to normal wear and tear, accidental damage, or loss.
  • Coverage remains as long as the item is required for injury management. Damage caused by willful misconduct is not covered.

Application process

  • Eligibility is assessed by WCB operations staff, based on medical documentation and the necessity of the device.
  • Approved devices are provided promptly, with repairs or replacements handled as needed.

For detailed policies on the provision, repair, or replacement of orthotics, appliances, footwear and eyewear, visit the policy section on the WCB website.

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