A1102 - Poultry collection and loading.

Industry code: A1102
Premium rate: 2.10

Classification Facts

Class: A - Agriculture
Rate Code: A11 - Light Agriculture Operations


Operational Details
It is becoming common practice in the poultry industry, to hire companies to come to their farm and physically gather the chickens up, crate them and load them onto a waiting truck to be hauled away. This is incidental to the poultry industry and fits in this category but because they themselves are not poultry farmers, this type of operation is considered mandatory.

SIC Codes
000000994 - Poultry Collecting and Loading

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 11231 - Chicken Egg Production
11232 - Broiler and Other Meat-Type Chicken Production
11233 - Turkey Production
11234 - Poultry Hatcheries
11239 - Other Poultry Production
11521 - Support Activities for Animal Production