Document name
Terminating Benefits – Notice Period
Document number
POL 11/2021
Effective date: November 1, 2021
Application: Applies to all claims on or after the effective date.
Policy subject: Termination, reduction or suspension of benefits
To establish guidelines for providing additional benefits when a worker is able to return to work but no longer employer attached.
Suitable productive employment means work that:
- The worker can do given their employability assessment and transferable skills analysis.
- The worker can functionally perform, given the medical restrictions imposed by the work injury and any non-compensable medical restrictions existing at the time of the injury.
- Will not endanger the health and safety of the worker or others.
- Contributes meaningfully to the operation of the business.
- The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the “Act”) states that the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) may terminate or reduce payment to a worker where their loss of earnings is not related to the effects of the injury (Section 101(1)(a)).
- The WCB may also terminate payment after the completion of a vocational rehabilitation program and the worker has been allowed reasonable time to obtain employment (Section 101(1)(b)(iii)).
- The suspension and reduction of benefits outlined in Section 101(1)(b) of the Act are covered in POL 01/2018, Benefits – Long-Term Earnings Loss and POL 10/2021, Suspension of Benefits.
- A worker is eligible to receive earnings loss benefits until:
- The effects of the work injury are no longer the cause of their inability to work, and
- They are able to return to work.
- The WCB considers a worker able to return to work if they have sufficiently recovered from the work injury (i.e., physical or psychological) and are able to:
- Resume their pre-injury employment that eliminates all loss of earnings, or
- Perform other suitable productive employment.
Notice Period – General
- The WCB may provide a worker with a notice period before terminating earnings loss benefits if:
- The worker does not have an employer to return to once it is determined they are able to return to work.
- The worker cannot return to employment for non-compensable personal reasons, or
- WCB has reversed a decision which results in earnings loss benefits being terminated (POL 23/2014, Reversing Decisions).
- A notice period is not provided if:
- The worker returns to employment that eliminates partial or all earnings loss, or
- The worker does not have an employer to return to because they withdrew from the labour force (i.e., quit) or were terminated by their employer after returning to work for reasons not related to the work injury.
- Benefits will be reduced or terminated if the worker returns to employment or begins receiving other alternative financial support before the notice period ends.
- The WCB is not obligated to pay benefits when a loss of earnings is no longer related to a work injury.
- A notice period may be provided when a worker is no longer employed and able to return to work or a decision is reversed.
- During a notice period, a worker is provided earnings loss benefits while they search for employment or access alternate financial support (e.g., Employment Insurance).
- If the worker returns to work or begins receiving alternate financial support during the notice period, Operations staff will reduce or terminate earnings loss benefits at the earlier date.
Notice Period – When the worker is able to return to work
- If a worker does not have an employer to return to once they are able to return to work, the WCB may provide the following notice period during their job search or while they access alternate benefits:
- If the worker received less than 12 months of earnings loss benefits, two (2) weeks’ notice.
- If the worker received more than 12 months of earnings loss benefits, two (2) weeks’ notice, plus an additional one (1) day notice for every full month they received benefits, up to twelve (12) weeks’ notice.
- If a worker chooses to relocate to obtain employment, the WCB may also issue a maximum period of two (2) weeks of full earnings loss benefits to support a period of settling into a new community prior to beginning or searching for employment (POL 02/2014, Vocational Rehabilitation – Moving Allowance).
Notice Period – When a decision is reversed
- If a reversed decision results in the termination of earnings loss benefits, the WCB may provide:
- If the worker received less than 12 months of earnings loss benefits, two (2) weeks’ notice.
- If the worker received more than 12 months of earnings loss benefits, two (2) weeks’ notice, plus an additional one (1) day notice for every full month they received benefits, up to twelve (12) weeks’ notice.
- A notice period as directed by a Board Appeal Tribunal decision (POL 22/2013, Appeals – Board Appeal Tribunal).
Extension of Benefits
- In exceptional circumstances determined on a case by case basis, Operations staff may provide or extend a notice period of benefits (POL 02/2019, Decision Making).
Alternative Supports
- The WCB will advise a worker of alternative supports they may be eligible to access (e.g., Employment Insurance) at the start of a notice period.
- A worker may benefit from additional support (e.g., to help manage stress or anxiety) following earnings loss benefits being terminated. The WCB may approve up to three hours of counselling services by a WCB accredited psychologist or counsellor.
- Information specific to alternative support options is also available on
Cost Relief
- Employers are not provided cost relief for a notice period prior to the termination of earnings loss benefits.
- When a decision is reversed, the claims costs incurred from a notice period will be applied as part of the overpayment and removed from the employer’s claims experience (PRO 17/2016, Overpayment Recovery – Compensation).
Policy references
Section heading
Legislative Authority
Legislative Authority
The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
Sections 101(1), 111, 115(j).
Section heading
Document History
Document History
(1) POL and PRO 17/2010, Termination of Compensation Benefits – Notice (effective May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2021).
(2) POL 11/2013, Bridging Program (effective February 1, 2014 to October 31, 2021).
(3) January 1, 2014. References updated in accordance with The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (Bill 58).
(4) POL and PRO 11/2000, Bridging Program (effective November 20, 2000 to January 31, 2014).
(5) POL 08/2001, Termination of Compensation Benefits – Notice (effective October 1, 2001 to April 30, 2010).
(6) POL 36/83, Termination of Compensation in Long Term Earnings Loss Cases (effective July 22, 1983 to September 30, 2001).
Section heading
PRO 11/2021 Terminating Benefits – Notice Period
POL 09/2012 Termination – Age 63 and Over, Age 65, and Retirement
POL 01/2018 Benefits – Long-Term Earnings Loss
PRO 02/2018 Benefits – Return to Work (RTW) Interrupted
POL 23/2014 Reversing Decisions
POL 10/2021 Suspension of Benefits
POL 02/2014 Vocational Rehabilitation – Moving Allowance
POL 23/2016 Vocational Rehabilitation – Programs and Services