Document name
Document number
PRO 55/2011

Effective date: October 1, 2011

Application: All customers requiring podiatry services on and after the effective date

Policy subject: Health care services – providers


To establish billing requirements for podiatry services provided to Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) customers


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Podiatry, also referred to as chiropody, means the health science pertaining to the medical care of the human foot as performed by a podiatrist.

Podiatrist, also referred to as chiropodist, means a member of the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists who has received the education recognized by the council of the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists, to engage in the practice of podiatry.


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  1. Section 103(1) of The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the “Act”) states “every worker who is entitled to compensation or who is disabled only on the day of the injury is entitled without charge to:
    1. any medical aid that may be necessary as a result of the injury;
    2. any other treatment by a health care professional;
    3. any prosthetics or apparatus that may be necessary as a result of the injury, and to have any prosthetic limbs and eyes and any surgical appliances such as belts, braces, supports and orthopaedic shoes repaired, maintained and renewed when necessary by reason of accident or ordinary wear and tear; and
    4. any transportation or sustenance occasioned by the medical aid.”
  2. Section 104(1) of the Act states “the fees for medical aid furnished by any health care professional are those that are determined by the board.”
  3. Section 115(c) of the Act states that the board may expend moneys from the fund for any expenses incurred in the administration of this Act and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the board may expend moneys for “any medical aid provided pursuant to this Act to injured workers and any specialized treatment or other medical aid that the board considers necessary and that is not provided for in this Act.”
  4. The Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists sets the standards of practice and conduct for podiatry. The Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists is responsible for regulating the practice of the profession of podiatry and governing its members in accordance with The Podiatry Act, 2003.
  5. Section 21(1) of The Podiatry Act, 2003 states “subject to subsection (2), no person other than a member shall use the title “Podiatrist” or “Chiropodist” or any word, title or designation, abbreviated or otherwise, to imply that that person is a member” of the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists. Therefore, all podiatrists who work in Saskatchewan are required to be licenced by the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists, and are responsible for meeting Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists’ standards.
  6. Each year the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists issues a suggested fee schedule to its members. Medical and Health Care Services will request copies of updated fee schedules on behalf of the WCB.


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  1. Podiatrists will direct bill the WCB for all services provided to WCB customers and will charge according to the Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists Fee Schedule. Payment for all podiatry services will comply with this fee schedule. Where the podiatrist direct bills the WCB for reporting fees, the amount invoiced will be in accordance with PRO 04/2020, Physicians.
  2. All podiatry services, except emergency treatment, must be pre-authorized by the WCB.

Non-Emergency Treatment

  1. Podiatrists will submit a report to the WCB indicating the type of service required, and a cost estimate based on the fee schedule.
  2. Operations staff will review the report to ensure that the recommended service is related to the work injury, and the estimated costs are in accordance with the fee schedule. Assistance may be obtained from Medical and Health Care Services.
  3. Where the recommended service is not noted in the fee schedule, Medical and Health Care Services may provide advice regarding a reasonable fee that should be paid.
  4. Following this review, Operations staff will authorize the podiatrist, in writing, to proceed with the service. The authorization will request the podiatrist to direct bill the WCB for the service and amount authorized. A copy of the authorization will be sent to the customer.
  5. Operations staff will provide a detailed explanation, in writing, in all instances where the amount authorized is less than the cost estimate provided by the podiatrist.

Emergency Treatment

  1. Where the customer obtains emergency treatment, the podiatrist will submit a report to the WCB indicating the type and cost of the service provided. Following review of the report by Operations staff, and by Medical and Health Care Services where required, the WCB will process payment (if authorized) to the podiatrist.
  2. Where the customer paid the fees for the emergency treatment, the customer should submit to the WCB copies of original receipts and the form completed by the podiatrist detailing the treatment provided. Original receipts must be retained for 12 months from submission date, as they may be requested by the WCB for audit purposes.
  3. Where the fee is in excess of that determined by the WCB, the WCB will contact the podiatrist and request a refund for the customer. Where a refund is not provided, the WCB will reimburse the customer and the extra billing will be recovered from WCB payments to the podiatrist.

Policy references

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Legislative Authority

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03(1), 104(1), 115(c); The Podiatry Act, 2003

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Document History

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PRO 19/94 Medical Fees – Chiropody

01 January 2014. References updated in accordance with The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013

01 November 2017. Requirement for original receipts updated to copies of original receipts; however, original receipts must be retained for 12 months from submission date, as they may be requested by the WCB for audit purposes.

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