Document name
Modifications – Home, Vehicle and Work
Document number
POL 04/2015
Effective date: July 1, 2015
Application: All workers severely injured before and after the effective date
Policy subject: Return to work and vocational rehabilitation
To establish the process for paying for home, vehicle and work modifications.
Home Modifications means renovations to the worker’s home given the loss of function due to the injury. Home modifications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Wheelchair ramps.
- Wheelchair lifts.
- Bathroom renovations.
- Lowering cupboards.
Vehicle Modifications means updates to a worker’s vehicle given the loss of function due to the injury. Vehicle modifications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Wheelchair lifts.
- Hand controls.
- Power door openers.
- Power seat bases.
Work Modifications means renovations to the worker’s workplace given the loss of function due to the injury. Work modifications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Widening doorways for wheelchair accessibility.
- Wheelchair ramps.
- Handrails.
- Ergonomic workstations.
Minor Modifications means home and work modifications for short-term injuries that are expected to resolve within18 months. Minor modifications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Grab bars.
- Raised toilet seats.
- Ergonomic chairs.
- Wheelchair ramps.
- Specialized keyboards.
Major modifications means home, vehicle and work modifications for injuries that are long-term and severe. Major modifications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Home restructuring.
- Wheelchair lifts.
- Sit/stand stations.
- Specialized computer equipment.
- Vehicle modifications.
To help workers address quality of life and independence issues, The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the Act) authorizes the WCB to pay for home, vehicle and work modifications (Sections 111 and 115).
- Eligibility for modifications (i.e., home, vehicle and work) is based on the following criteria:
- Physical need because of the injury.
- Cognitive need because of the injury, and
- Loss of functional independence because of the injury.
- All modifications are subject to:
- PRO 07/2012, Procurement Procedure, and
- POL 05/2004, Vocational Rehabilitation – Equipment and Tools.
Work Modifications
- If the worker’s workplace needs modifications, the WCB may:
- Fully fund the modifications, or
- Share the modification costs with the employer.
- The WCB will not pay to restore the workplace back to its previous state:
- Once the worker recovers.
- If the worker switches jobs.
Short-Term Needs
- If the WCB expects the worker to recover from the injury within 18 months, the WCB will only pay for minor modifications.
Long-Term Needs
- The WCB will pay for major modifications if the worker’s injury is long-term and severe. Such injuries may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Amputations.
- Severe visual impairment.
- Severe burns that cause a loss of functional mobility.
Policy references
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Legislative Authority
Legislative Authority
The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
111, 115
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Document History
Document History
POL 02/2002 Modifications – Residential, Vehicle and Workplace
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