Document name
Alternative Assessment Procedure (AAP) for the Interjurisdictional Trucking Industry
Document number
PRO 24/2014

Effective date: January 1, 2009

Application: Interjurisdictional trucking and transport employers as per the above noted effective dates

Policy subject: Employer coverage and registration


To outline the process for interjurisdictional trucking and transport employers participating in the AAP.


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POL 24/2014 establishes Saskatchewan’s participation in the Alternative Assessment Procedure for the Interjurisdictional Trucking and Transport Industry (AAP).


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AAP Participation

  1. To participate in the AAP, employers will:
    1. Determine which jurisdictions are the Assessing Boards and Registering Boards based on where their workers live.
    2. Complete the AAP application and send it to the Assessing Board.
    3. Ensure that all individuals operating trucks or commercial buses in more than one jurisdiction in Canada, including the proprietor, any partners or directors, have coverage.
    4. Report the earnings of workers who drive in more than one jurisdiction to the Assessing Boards.
    5. Report the earnings of all other workers to the jurisdiction where they are employed. Such workers could include:
      1. Local drivers.
      2. Repair staff.
      3. Garage staff.
      4. Warehouse staff, and
      5. Administrative staff.
  2. Employers participating in the AAP will pay premiums to the Assessing Boards.
  3. Employers participating in the AAP will not report earnings or pay premiums to Registering Boards. However, employers will maintain accounts with all Registering Boards.

AAP Applications – Saskatchewan WCB (SWCB) is the Assessing Board

  1. Participation in the AAP starts January 1 of each year. Interjurisdictional trucking and transport employers have until February 28 of that year to apply to participate in the AAP.
  2. Interjurisdictional trucking and transport employers who become eligible to participate after January 1 have 60 days from the time they become eligible to apply to participate in the AAP.
  3. Appendix E of the IJA lists the industries that are included in the AAP. If eligible, Employer Services will notify the employer. Employer Services will send a copy of the application to each jurisdiction where the employer operates.

Withdrawing from or Non-Participation in the AAP

  1. To withdraw from the AAP for the following year, employers will give written notice by December 31 to Employer Services and to any other Assessing or Registering Boards.
  2. Employers cannot withdraw from the AAP part way through a year unless they:
    1. Stop interjurisdictional operations, or
    2. Close their business in Saskatchewan.
  3. Employer Services will automatically assess employers that do not participate in the AAP based on kilometres driven in each jurisdiction.

Claim Management

  1. If a worker who drives in more than one jurisdiction files a claim with the WCB, Employer Services will see if the worker’s employer:
    1. Is participating in the AAP, and
    2. Has designated the WCB as their Assessing or Registering Board.
  2. If a worker files a claim with the WCB, Operations will manage the claim in accordance with The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013.

Information and Disclosure

  1. Employers participating in the AAP will give any information that Registering or Assessing Boards need (e.g., records and other documents).
  2. Employers participating in the AAP allow the Assessing Board and Registering Boards to share information (subject to POL 05/2017, Privacy of Information).

Policy references

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Legislative Authority

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Document History

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PRO 12/2011 Alternative Assessment Procedure for the Interjurisdictional Trucking Industry

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