Common reporting errors for employers
View the most common reporting errors a Saskatchewan WCB auditor may discover in a firm's reporting of the firm's business activities and assessable earnings.
During the course of an audit, a Saskatchewan WCB auditor may discover errors in an employer’s reporting of the firm’s business activities and assessable earnings. The most common reporting errors resulting in an audit adjustment are:
- calculating assessable earnings
- calculating excess earnings
- prorating excess earnings
- reporting contractors
- reporting of director’s wages vs. optional personal coverage
To learn more about how to avoid an audit adjustment, view the related policies and related forms and fact sheets sections below.
Related policies
See our policy manual for more information
- Employer Audits (POL 03/2018)
- Assessable Earnings (POL 24/2010)
- Maximum Assessable Wage Rate – 2021 (POL & PRO 15/2021)
- Employer Accounts – Clearances and Letters of Good Standing (POL 22/2014)
- Employer Classification (POL 14/2011)
- Classification Change (POL 01/2020)
- Director’s Policy (POL 14/2014)
- Excluded Occupations and Industries
- Coverage – Personal (POL 03/2014)
Contact the Employer Resource Centre
For general inquiries, contact the Employer Resource Centre
Contact our employer services department
For specific inquires if you are:
- ready to register your business
- requesting a clearance or a letter of good standing
- revising or updating your payroll
- discussing your statement of account and/or making a payment
Claim information
For questions on your or your worker’s injury claim, contact the WCB at