Work-related deaths information

When a worker dies at work, or is found dead in the workplace, in an area where the worker had a right to be in the course of his or her employment, it is presumed that the death was work-related unless it is proved otherwise. 

If you have lost a loved one because of a workplace injury, the WCB has several programs and benefits for legal spouses and dependants. Family members may also be provided with support. Family members include a spouse, parent, legal guardian, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling. 

Staff members are available to answer your questions and help you with your claim for WCB benefits. Often a WCB staff member will visit you to explain the process, however, meetings can also be arranged at either the Regina or Saskatoon offices.

As well, the WCB can arrange for grief counselling for you and any dependant children.


The Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board is governed by The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013.

The WCB is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal that provides benefits and services to Saskatchewan workers injured or fatally injured on the job. It is a no-fault insurance system for workplace injuries, meaning workers in covered industries do not have to pay for the benefits they receive or sue their employers to get them.

Costs are paid entirely by Saskatchewan employers in covered industries.

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Resources and information for dependants of workers

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More information for dependants of workers

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The WCB is committed to helping you. We are available to answer your questions.

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