Best Value means the acquisition of goods and services through a competitive process which results in supply arrangements at the most effective life cycle cost (i.e., a combination of purchase prices, amortization, maintenance, repair, operating and disposal costs), in the correct quantities, at the right quality, and from the most qualified, responsive and responsible vendor or supplier.
Bid means an offer submitted in response to a tender to supply goods or services, or to purchase assets at a specific price or price formula, under stated terms and conditions.
Contract signatory means the WCB staff member with designated authority to purchase goods and services.
Expression of interest (EOI) means a list compiled of prospective vendors and suppliers who are interested in participating at a future date in a competitive bidding process for a particular good or service. The list of prospective vendors and suppliers will be viewed when WCB staff do not have a solid idea of the type of good or service required. Viewing this list is the starting point in the overall tendering process.
Purchase order means an authorized legal contract to acquire goods or services.
Purchase request means a request for the purchase of goods and services to be approved by the applicable purchasing authority.
Purchases for the internal administration of the WCB means all goods and services procured for internal day to day business (e.g., paper, printer cartridges, business cards).
Purchases on behalf of customers means goods and services required to facilitate return-to-work or vocational rehabilitation programs (e.g., equipment, tools, modifications to residence, vehicle or workplace).
Request for proposal (RFP) means an invitation to potential vendors and suppliers for bids where the requirements for goods and services may not be clearly defined and the expected price is likely to exceed $5,000. Vendors and suppliers will outline their methodology, approach in delivery, price and timelines.
Request for quotation (RFQ) means an invitation to vendors and suppliers to provide pricing and delivery information for clearly defined goods and services, generally of a low dollar value (e.g., $5,000). A request for quotation may be issued to multiple vendors or suppliers as an informal tender.
Standing offer means a contract for standardized goods and or services to be purchased and delivered on an as-required basis for specific periods of time at prearranged prices and delivery conditions (e.g., printer cartridges, paper products, business cards, ergonomic chairs).
Tender means the process in which qualified vendors and suppliers are invited to submit sealed bids for the supply of specific and clearly defined goods and services during a specified timeframe. The tendering process includes a request for quotation and request for proposal.