Resident of Saskatchewan: A worker will ordinarily be considered a resident of Saskatchewan when it can be determined that their permanent place of residence is within Saskatchewan or, with submission of reasonable proof, would be within Saskatchewan following the employment contract or work term outside of the province. Examples of information required to prove residency would be, but are not limited to, copies of application for Saskatchewan health coverage, copies of application for Saskatchewan driver’s license, etc.
Usual place of employment in Saskatchewan:
A worker will ordinarily be considered to have their usual place of employment in Saskatchewan if the worker, prior to leaving the province/country:
- performed the greatest percentage of their employment contract or work term with their current employer within Saskatchewan,
- was hired in Saskatchewan, and
- was paid from the employer’s Saskatchewan office or on the basis of records submitted by the employer’s Saskatchewan office.
Continuous period, as referenced in this policy, includes any period of work or paid or unpaid leave of absence, which is not interrupted by a return to Saskatchewan for a period of two months or more.