Document name
Travel Expense Rates
Document number
POL 04/2023
Document name
Travel Expense Rates
Document number
POL 04/2023
Effective date: June 1, 2023
Application: Applies to all travel expenses incurred by an injured worker, dependant and WCB staff.
Policy subject: Allowance and expenses
To allow for updates to WCB travel expense rates.
Policy section content
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- The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) will cover travel expenses incurred:
- By an injured worker and/or a dependant (POL 04/2021, Travel Expenses - General), and
- WCB staff when travelling to conduct WCB business.
- Travel expenses include:
- Mileage, if a personal vehicle is used.
- Meals.
- Lodging (i.e., hotel and private), and
- Airfare.
- The WCB has historically followed travel expense rates set by the Saskatchewan Public Service Commission (PSC).
- The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has the authority to approve updates to travel expense rates on the Board Members behalf. As the WCB follows rates set by the PSC, automatic updates to WCB’s travel expense rates will be made by the Assistant Director of Legal and Policy, generally one month following the PSC rates being updated.
Policy section content
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- The WCB will cover travel expenses incurred by an injured worker and/or a dependant and WCB staff based on travel expense rates outlined within PRO 01/2019, Travel Expense Rates.
- Travel expense will be covered based on the rates in effect on the date of travel.
- The WCB will update travel expense rates once it becomes aware that the PSC has updated their rates. WCB rates may not be effective the same date as the PSC rates.
- WCB travel expense rates will be rounded to the nearest cent.
Policy references
Policy reference content
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Legislative Authority
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Legislative Authority
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The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
Sections 16, 18, 115
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Document History
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Document History
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- June 1, 2023. Reference to Corporate Policy Manager updated to Assistant Director of Legal and Policy. Out of country travel guidelines clarified in PRO.
- POL and PRO 01/2019, Travel Expense Rates (effective January 1, 2019 to May 31, 2023).
- January 1, 2019. Corporate Policy Manager authorized to revise travel expense rates following changes to the Saskatchewan Public Service Commission (PSC) rates.
- POL 02/2012, Expenses – Travel and Sustenance – PSC Rate (effective January 10, 2012 to December 31, 2018)
- POL 16/96, Expenses – Travel and Sustenance – PSC Rate (effective December 1, 1996 to January 9, 2012)
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