Voluntary relocation outside Canada

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You must tell the WCB if you are planning to move outside Canada. Moving can affect how much you get for your benefits and how you are paid. Learn what to expect if you are planning to move outside of the country.

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Relocation means that you will be living in a country other than Canada, either permanently or temporarily. Your benefits will be affected if you decide to move. This applies to workers, your dependent spouse and children. You must tell the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) if you are planning to move outside Canada.

Moving can affect how much you get for your benefits and how you are paid.

You can expect that:

  • Benefits and expenses will be paid only in Canadian funds.
  • Medical expenses will be paid at Saskatchewan rates.
  • If you get benefits for loss of earnings, the WCB may review what you are able to earn when you move. The WCB will check this every year on your anniversary date.
  • If you need medical treatment or vocational training, you must have a plan before you move.
  • Benefits can be held or stopped when you move if medical or treatment plans are stopped or delayed.
  • After you move, you will be responsible for arranging and paying for any translation of medical or other reports that we may need.
  • Travel expenses will be calculated and paid for as if you still lived in Saskatchewan.
  • The WCB will require yearly proof of where you live and if you are able to work.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the WCB’s policy on relocating, contact us.

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