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Calculation of Probable Compensation (PRO 08/2024)
The Act directs WCB to establish a table of earnings and probable compensation. When there are any legislated changes to income tax deductions, either federally or provincially, or CPP or EI premiums, and when these changes become available, the WCB will publish revised tables. The Federal Government implemented a second tier for CPP deductions effective January 1, 2024. WCB has implemented the second tier of CPP deductions effective July 1, 2024.

Travel Expense Rates (PRO 02/2024)
This procedure establishes the current rates at which workers and WCB staff are to be reimbursed for travel and sustenance expenses. Rates are included in an appendix attached to the procedure, which has been updated to note current mileage rates, effective May 1, 2024.

Continuum of Care (POL 03/2024)

POL 08/2014, Continuum of Care, establishes the guiding principles of the Continuum of Care Model. Medical and Health Care Services identified the need for minor updates to POL 08/2014, including the removal of reference to the Health Care Advisory Committee (HCAC) which was disbanded in 2016.

Coverage- Medical First Responders (POL & PRO 04/2024)

POL and PRO 04/2024, Coverage – Medical First Responders have been approved to replace POL and PRO 07/2005 and are effective September 1, 2023. This policy and procedure have been updated as a result of an updated memorandum of understanding between WCB and the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Coverage for medical first responders now includes coverage while undergoing training, certification and re-certification.

Safety and Security- Workplace Violence (POL 05/2024) 

In accordance with The Saskatchewan Employment Act, this new policy establishes WCB’s commitment to prevent and respond to workplace violence.

Massage Therapists (PRO 06/2024) 

Minor updates to the procedure as a result of updated agreement between the WCB and the Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS) for practice standards and fee schedules for massage therapy services.

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