Appeals department process

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Get details on the steps in the appeals process, from the time the WCB receives the appeal to when an appeal decision is made.

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The appeal process through the appeals department consists of seven steps from the time an appeal is submitted to the time a decision is delivered. This chart outlines the steps the appeals department follows over the course of an appeal:

Appeals department process
Section steps

Step 1: Receive appeal

  1. The appeal is received in writing through email, internet, mail, or in person.
  2. Date stamp the appeal submission.

Step 2: Register appeal

  1. Confirm the appeal is registerable (is there a decision being appealed?).
  2. Determine the appealable issue.
  3. Send letters to appellant confirming appeal letter has been received.
  4. Create an electronic form in a WCB system.
  5. Enter information in the appeals pending list.
  6. Send the appeal for scanning to a file.

Step 3: Assign appeal

  1. The appeal is held in abeyance (the condition of being temporarily inactive) until an appeals officer is available.
  2. Assign the appeal based on first-in-first-out method, unless it is a priority (e.g., a fatality).
  3. Send the appeal to appeals officer through the WCB’s electronic system.
  4. Fill in an electronic form with the assigned date and appeals officer.

Step 4: Review file

  1. Identify/reconfirm the appeal issue(s).
  2. Identify key critical documents.
  3. Request further information/opinions if needed.
  4. Read documents on file.
  5. Conduct meetings if needed.

Step 5: Write decision

  1. Develop a decision framework and outline.
  2. Summarize or identify key facts or evidence.
  3. Develop the background and issue statement.
  4. Outline applicable legislation and policy.
  5. Develop “findings” of fact and evidence.
  6. Develop and write the decision and rationale.
  7. Provide closing directions and summary of the decision(s).

Step 6: Review decision

  1. Edit and check the decision.
  2. Determine possible errors by doing a check and/or a second person read.
  3. Audit against a decision audit tool.

Step 7: Send decision

  1. Send the decision and letters to customers.
  2. Scan letters and the decision to file.
  3. Complete the electronic form/appeal pending list.
  4. Enter the information in appeals document tracker.
  5. Send the decision electronically to the appropriate team leader in operations.

If you need help


Fair Practices Office

Before considering an appeal, try the Fair Practices Office. They may be able to help. The FPO receives inquiries and questions about WCB practices in all areas of service delivery. However, it cannot review issues that are under appeal. Please visit the Fair Practices Office page for more information.

Employer Advisory Centre

The Employer Advisory Centre is an independent and confidential service provided to help employers with:

  • Education on disability prevention, return to work, effective claims management and appeals.
  • Support and advice to determine whether the employer has a legitimate appealable situation.
  • Education on the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal.
  • Guiding the employer through the process of drafting and filing a WCB appeal where necessary.
  • The Employer Advisory Centre will not provide employers with representation services at an appeals tribunal.

Visit the Employer Advisory Centre website for more information.



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Appeals department