A2101 - Grain or mixed farming (voluntary)

Industry code: A2101
Premium rate: 1.50

Classification Facts

Class: A - Agriculture
Rate Code: A21 - Farming and Ranching


Operational Details
The family farm of 30-50 years ago is not longer the norm in the industry. In the 1990s the farming operation is usually a highly organized corporation that uses 4 wheel drive tractors and farm implements that can till or harvest large volumes of grain and other plants. Most farm machinery is exclusive to the farming industry and includes: specialized plows, drills, harrows, tillers, cultivators and harvesters. Hydraulics and mechanization has reduced the need for large families on the farm and the workers are now often unrelated to the landowner. Many are qualified heavy equipment operators and/or diesel mechanics who are able to make repairs on-site.

Today’s farmer may use laser technology to lay out fields for surface irrigation. Micro processors are used for sensing and controlling feed mixtures for their livestock operations. Forage crops may also be grown. The acreage under cultivation is quite high in proportion to those in the farming industry. Advancing technology will likely result in further expanding the acreage, making the equipment more cost effective.

Part of the overall farm operations includes the repair and maintenance of machinery, storage and transportation of farm production. Farmers without sufficient land, will rent or lease adjoining properties or acreage in the same general area.

Farmers that clear land, cut down timber and sell it off as a means to an end, or for the purpose of creating more useable land are not eligible for an additional classification. The building of granaries, barns and other out buildings, corrals, and fencing, are also part of this subcode. If a farmer builds his own house and requests voluntary coverage , an additional classification can be allowed in B12- 03, Building for Self.

SIC Codes
​000000028 - Grain farming (voluntary)
000000029 - Mixed farming (voluntary)

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 11111 - Soybean Farming
11112 - Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming
11113 - Dry Pea and Bean Farming
11114 - Wheat Farming
11115 - Corn Farming
11116 - Rice Farming
11119 - Other Grain Farming
11199 - All Other Crop Farming
11299 - All Other Animal Production