The WCB uses these guidelines to determine which workers might require additional customer care facilitator
and/or medical services to reach maximum recovery and return to work.
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Expected Recovery & Referral to Advanced Assessment Guidelines
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Learn how the WCB helps primary practitioners find the earliest available appointment when workers need to see a specialist or have a diagnostic performed.
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Use these fee codes and fees to bill for primary level services provided to WCB customers by chiropractors.
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The WCB is improving its core financial system as part of its business transformation efforts.
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Use this form to complete a functional examination of the injured worker.
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Complete this form for authorization to treat an injured worker. Use this form to request funding for new or replacement hearing aids and repairs or hearing aid supplies.
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Use these fee codes and fees to bill for primary level services provided to WCB customers by hearing service providers accredited by the WCB.
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Use these fee codes and fees to bill for primary level services provided to WCB customers by hearing service providers accredited by the WCB.
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Use this form for billing the WCB for treating an injured worker in the hospital.
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Don't have a WCB online account? Sign up today for automatic, secure access. The account set-up is simple with this step-by-step guide.
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Find out how to create a basic or full WCB online account. Learn the benefits of a WCB online account to submit injury claim forms quickly and efficiently and for quick log in for claim status updates.
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Read how to securely upload a JPEG or PDF document or form to the WCB.
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Find out what your responsibilities are if an injured worker applying for a Medical Review Panel examination asks for your help.
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International health care providers can use this form to communicate with the WCB about their treatment of workers injured on the job in Saskatchewan.
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Ensure this form is completed by you and your supervisor to describe your actual work activities.
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Use these fee codes and fees to bill for primary level services provided to WCB customers by exercise therapists accredited by the WCB.
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Learn about the work-related restrictions that can apply to workers with mental health injuries.
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Administer this Functional Outcome Measures self-report test to WCB customers as soon as possible if the worker is having any difficulty with activities because of a lower limb problem.
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Learn about the management and treatment of back pain.
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