WCB legislation change effective Jan. 1, 2025 adjusts the way directors of corporations report worker wages
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The definition of a worker has changed under The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013. Directors receiving wages reported on a T4 are no longer be included in the definition of a worker. As a result, directors of a corporation are no longer be considered workers and no longer have automatic WCB coverage.
The PRO 16/2024 Injuries - Firefighters appendix legislative amendment dates for firefighter presumptions provides the type of cancers covered, along with the legislative amendments dates and date of exposure for consideration of cost relief.
Read what you need to know if you are, or have been, a firefighter in Saskatchewan and have been diagnosed with cancer. The cancer may be presumed to be an occupational disease and you may be eligible for benefits from the WCB.
Find out everything you need to know about the Government of Canada's second additional Canada Pension Plan contribution (CPP2) introduced on Jan. 1, 2024 and how it will affect a worker's earnings loss benefits.