What to expect if a worker is injured at work

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Learn how the claims process works, the process for claims with no time off work and the process for short-term versus long-term claims with time off work.

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If a worker is injured at work and requires medical attention, you must make sure the worker gets the medical attention they need immediately. You must also report the injury to the WCB within five days of being told about it. You, the worker and their care provider will file separate injury reports. Your injury report can be submitted to the WCB online, by WCB Teleservice, fax or mail.

The WCB makes it easy to file an Employer’s Report of Injury (E1) form:

You should also make sure the worker submits a Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (W1) online form. You are required to provide this form to any worker who is injured or who asks for it. Learn more on the steps a worker should take and how they can file a claim.

Although injuries must be reported within five days, it’s very important that the injury is reported as soon as possible because if your E1 form is late, benefit payments to the worker could be delayed. That could mean financial hardship for the worker and their family. Late reporting also means that the worker’s earnings loss and other benefits may be delayed. This could add to the time the worker is off and increase your costs for the claim.

The below information provides a general outline of the claims process only. Timelines and benefits will vary with individual circumstances.

Claims with no time off work (no time loss)

No earnings loss benefits are paid

Even if your worker didn’t take time off work but needed medical attention because of the injury, they need to report it to you. You must send us an Employer’s Report of Injury (E1) form within five days of being told about the injury, whether it involves time off work or not. If the worker needed medical attention:

  • You must fill out and send us a Employer’s Report of Injury (E1) form within five days of learning about a worker’s injury.
  • You should also make sure the worker submits a Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (W1) form. You are required to provide this form to any worker who is injured or who asks for it.
  • The WCB gathers information from you, your worker and the care provider to validate the claim.
  • The WCB communicates with you and the worker, advising whether the claim is accepted or denied.
  • The WCB pays the worker’s allowable travel costs, costs for medical items and prescription costs when the corresponding invoices are received.
  • The WCB receives the receipts and issues payment to the worker for allowable expenses.

Claims with time off work (time loss)

Earnings loss benefits are paid

  • If your worker is off work following the day they were injured, the WCB will review the reports we get from you, your worker and their care provider to confirm that the worker:
    • Is an employee of your company.
    • Was injured during that employment.
    • Can’t work because of the injury.
  • If the injury has resulted in the worker being off work, it’s also important that you provide accurate information on the E1 form regarding how much the worker was earning at the time of the injury.
  • Using this information and the rules set out in The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 and WCB policies, the WCB will decide whether or not to accept the claim.
  • If the worker can’t go back to work because of the injury, the WCB may pay wages lost starting the day after the injury happened. The cost of medical treatments, prescriptions and travel expenses may also be reimbursed. Most time-loss claims are short term, with the worker returning to work soon after injury.
  • The WCB gathers information from you, the worker and the care provider to validate the claim.
  • The WCB communicates with you and the worker, advising whether the claim is accepted or denied.
  • The WCB pays the worker’s allowable travel costs and costs for medical items and prescriptions when the invoices are received.
  • The claim is assessed on the anticipated effect the injuries are likely to have on the worker’s ability to do their job.
  • The WCB issues the first payment of earnings loss and sends letters to you and the worker explaining the action on the claim. The first payment on a straightforward claim is generally made within 14 days if the necessary information is received promptly.
  • The WCB pays the care provider for their services.
  • The WCB continues to issue payment to the worker for allowable medical and travel expenses.
  • The WCB continues to pay earnings loss benefits usually every two weeks until the worker is back to work.
  • The WCB continues to pay the care provider for medical treatment. Payment will go to either you or the worker, depending on whether you employer prefer to continue paying the worker.

Short term – recovery within two weeks or less

  • Medical treatment and fitness for employment are monitored.
  • Return to work is co-ordinated where needed.
  • The worker recovers and is back to work within two weeks.


  • If recovery is delayed, claim is reassessed as long-term.
  • The WCB tells you, the worker and care provider about the status of the claim.

Long term – recovery takes longer than two weeks

  • If the worker’s recovery exceeds expected durations or is serious in nature, the claim is reassessed as long-term. Long-term claims are referred to a customer care facilitator team located in our Regina and Saskatoon offices.
  • You, the worker and care provider help develop treatment and return-to-work plans.
  • Treatment and return-to-work plans continue until the worker has recovered.
  • The WCB keeps you, the worker and care provider informed by letter about the status of the claim.

All parties are responsible for maintaining communication throughout the claims process.

Keep accurate records of injuries. Occupational Health and Safety legislation states that you must log all mishaps and injuries.

Co-operate with your worker’s medical treatment.

Please note: Conversations with the WCB are summarized and recorded in your file.

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For questions on your or your worker’s injury claim, contact the WCB.