T4213 - Cold storage

Industry code: T4213
Premium rate: 2.99

Classification Facts

Class: T - Transportation, Warehousing
Rate Code: T42 - Transportation, Courier, Commercial Bus
Subcode: 13


Operational Details
Cold storage operators provide a warehouse type facility for the storage of long or short term products which are in transit or ready for distribution. The facility specializes in providing cold rooms or lockers for dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables and other perishable products. Where the products must be frozen, larger freezer units that are temperature controlled are available.

Local trucking of the warehoused products is incidental to the overall operations. However, the service is not available to the public at large. The delivery of the product is from the warehouse to the customer. It does not include delivering the products from the owner to the warehouse, or delivery from the owner to the customer.

SIC Codes
000000821 - Cold storage

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 49312 - Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage