S1219 - Hairdressing, esthetic services (non-medical esthetics).

Industry code: S1219
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals
Subcode: 19


Operational Details
Hairdressers cut and style hair, suggest styling based on client’s instructions and preferences. Services include shampoo, rinse, cut, trim, curl, wave, perm, style, bleach, toner, dye, or apply conditioner to color, matt or highlight client’s hair. They also analyze the condition of client’s hair and scalp and give advice on basic treatments and beauty care. Barbers perform similar work in addition to offering shaves and beard trims. Barbers are included in this classification.

Non-medical esthetic or beautician services include cosmetic consultation and application, electrolysis hair removal, manicures, pedicures, and facial and skin treatments.

The retail of haircare and beauty products is considered incidental to hairdressing/barbering.  

SIC Codes
000000703 – Hairdressing, esthetic services (non-medical)

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 81211 - Hair Care and Esthetic Services