S1210 - Film and music production

Industry code: S1210
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals
Subcode: 10


Operational Details
Film production includes what is controlled and overseen by a producing unit or producer. This covers all the technical aspects of film, television, radio, dance and live theatre performances.

The producer plans, organizes, and coordinates the production of any film, program, live performance etc. They engage directors and other production personnel and determine the treatment, scope and scheduling of production.

Production companies also provide casting and directing expertise. A director interprets scripts, selects the cast and advises in the interpretation and delivery of the performance, directs rehearsals, filming, broadcasts and confers with the crew and production specialists throughout production and post-production to achieve the desired presentation. Film editors edit motion picture film and arrange segments into proper sequence to achieve the desired dramatic, comedic, and thematic effect. Art directors within the production company offer expertise, planning and development of the design of sets, costumes, furnishings, and props to create portrayals of a period and setting.

Music production is engaged in producing and distributing music recordings, publishing music or providing sound recording and related services. It may also including marketing and distribution of the recordings.

SIC Codes
000000689 - Film production
000001033 - Music production

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 51211 - Motion Picture and Video Production
51221 - Music Production
51222 - Integrated Music Production/Distribution
51224 - Sound Recording Studios