S1204 - Unions, business and professional associations

Industry code: S1204
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals


Operational Details
A union is an organization formed by workers who join together to negotiate with employers; fair wages, benefits, safe workplaces, work hours, job training and other work-related issues. These agreements are then governed and protected by a collective bargaining agreement. Often, the workers are part of a larger overall association or union that hires business managers and labour negotiator to work full time for their benefit. In order to provide for these services, union dues are collected, and a portion goes to the administration of the union.Business association establishments are engaged in promoting the business interests of their members. These establishments may conduct research on new goods and services, publish newsletters, develop market statistics, or sponsor quality and certification standards. For example; restaurant association, real estate boards, trade associations, chamber of commerce.Professional organization establishments are engaged in advancing the professional interests of their members and the profession as a whole. For example; bar associations, engineers' associations, health professionals' associations.

SIC Codes
000000678 - Unions/associations

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 81391 - Business Associations
81392 - Professional Organizations
81393 - Labour Organizations
81399 - Other Membership Organizations