M4201 - Bakeries

Industry code: M4201
Premium rate: 1.16

Classification Facts

Class: M - Manufacturing and Processing
Rate Code: M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging


Operational Details
Bakeries referred to here are store fronts which are operated in smaller urban centres, shopping malls, commercial business areas ,etc. A bakery includes the mixing of flour and water, yeast and other additives to produce dough for bread, donuts, cakes, and other baked goods. The dough once mixed, is rolled, cut, or formed into the desired shapes, and placed on baking pans or trays. It is then placed into ovens for baking, removed and cooled, then decorated and placed in display counters for sale.

Equipment used include stainless steel vats, mixing tubs and bowls, ovens, cutters, packaging machines, etc.

SIC Codes
000000516 - Bakery

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 31181 - Bread and Bakery Product Manufacturing