G1109 - Vocational, trade school and business colleges

Industry code: G1109
Premium rate: 0.34

Classification Facts

Class: G - Government and Municipal
Rate Code: G11 - Post-secondary education


Operational Details
Vocational, trade schools and business colleges offer post-secondary employment related programs for adults. Included in this classification are educational institutions or facilities that provide adult instruction in a range of business and technical fields such as automotive, business, beauty, design, media arts, skilled trades (electrical, plumbing, etc, and technology. These schools may combine class instruction with on the job or practical application. These schools may be run or sponsored by businesses interested in providing training in a specific trade or vocation for future employment or career development opportunities.

SIC Codes
000000671 - Business colleges
000001020 - Vocational schools
000001021 - Trade schools

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 61141 - Business and Secretarial Schools
61151 - Technical and Trade Schools