C6215 - Industrial equipment sales, service and repair, service crane

Industry code: C6215
Premium rate: 1.54

Classification Facts

Class: C - Commodity - Wholesale - Retail
Rate Code: C62 - Automotive Service Shops, Towing
Subcode: 15


Operational Details
Equipment dealers sell new and used equipment. If a franchise or dealership, only authorized parts may be used in replacement or repair of the equipment, and only certain authorized brands can be sold. A mobile equipment dealer operates much the same as an automobile dealer. The difference is that the engines are almost exclusively diesel.

Equipment may also be rented out, without an operator, to customers.

Heavy duty or diesel mechanics perform warranty servicing on behalf of the manufacturer. Maintenance includes changing oils and lubricants. These dealerships have service bays that exclusively repair heavy equipment. However, often, in engine repair, there may be one or two bays used to repair heavy or off highway vehicles.

Mobile equipment dealers also have the capability to do field repairs. This entails the service person or mechanic, using a service truck and travelling to the employer’s business or worksite to make the repairs. More serious repairs require the equipment be transported to the dealer’s repair facility by a heavy haul tractor unit and flatbed trailer..

Used equipment dealers are not restricted to selling a particular brand, or use Original Equipment manufacture (O.E.M.) or factory authorized parts.

Generators and compressors may also be sold by dealers in this industry, however, it does not include the installation.

Overhead cranes may also be serviced. This requires a mechanic or electrician travelling to the customer’s worksite and repairing the engine and or cables of travelling cranes that are used to hoist heavy equipment. Mobile cranes are also serviced and maintained in the field by service trucks. If more serious repairs are required, the crane is transported by the customer, to the dealership or repair facility.

Employees include: diesel mechanics, parts personnel, welder, machinist, yard workers, shippers, receivers, commissioned sales staff and administration. Equipment used includes the usual diesel mechanics tools, welder, lathe, boring machine, drill press, overhead cranes (because of weights involved) etc.

Stationary equipment sales and service is not part of this industry as it is a supply and installation business.

SIC Codes
000000302 - Industrial equipment sales and serv
000000906 - Ind. equip rep
000000303 - Service crane

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 41723 - Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors
81131 - Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance