C6114 - Bulk oil, propane, fertilizer, chemical sales and distribution, distribution of cement powder

Industry code: C6114
Premium rate: 1.16

Classification Facts

Class: C - Commodity - Wholesale - Retail
Rate Code: C61 - Automotive, Implement Sales and Service
Subcode: 14


Operational Details
Bulk oil dealers usually sell and distribute petroleum products for major oil companies such as Esso, Shell Oil, Petro Canada, Federated Co-operative etc. These businesses operate bulk oil plants and distribute either gas, oil, diesel or heating fuel to residential , commercial and industrial users. Bulk petroleum products are distributed from locations where the product can be easily off loaded near or adjacent to a rail siding, or in the more remote communities, near heavy traffic areas. Petroleum is stored in either bulk tanks or as is the case of propane, in bottles under pressure. The product is ordered by the customer(s) and is delivered by fuel truck or propane trucks that have been filled with the respective products. Delivery to the customer is expected as part of the sale.

Bulk propane sales and distribution includes the storage of the product in a liquid state and requires specialized containers for storage and transport. The product may be transported from the natural gas plant or refinery and delivered to the bulk propane plant. Bulk propane dealers then take orders and deliver to residential, commercial and industrial customers. Propane is also delivered by dealers to gas stations that sell propane as an alternative fuel for vehicles and barbeques, etc.

Fertilizer distributors sell and deliver granular and liquid fertilizers to agricultural customers mainly. Anhydrous ammonia is also delivered and incidentally, a fertilizer applicator may be rented out with the product. Pesticides and herbicides may also be sold in conjunction wit h the fertilizer sales.

Sale of chemicals refers to glycols and methanols used as antifreeze by natural gas plants. In all the above cases, the delivery of the product is an integral part of the operation. Some incidental sales of related products is allowed (i.e. barbeques and propane heaters by propane dealers, rock salt at fertilizer bulk plants, oil and windshield fluid at bulk gas plants.) Some incidental retail sales may be done at the plant by the customer picking up the product or having their vehicle, equipment or propane bottles filled.

SIC Codes
000000291 - Bulk oil sales & distribution
000000294 - Chemical sales and distribution
000000896 - Cement Powder dist
000000293 - Fertilizer sales & distribt
000000292 - Propane sales & distribution

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 32731 - Cement Manufacturing
41211 - Petroleum Product Wholesaler-Distributors
41839 - Agricultural Chemical and Other Farm Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors
41841 - Chemical (except Agricultural) and Allied Product Wholesaler-Distributors