C1223 - Graphic design

Industry code: C1223
Premium rate: 0.65

Classification Facts

Class: C - Commodity - Wholesale - Retail
Rate Code: C12 - Light Commodity Marketing
Subcode: 23


Operational Details
Photo-finishing and engraving include the enlarging, tinting, retouching, and making negatives.

Graphic design includes the illustration of designs, layouts, and visual images to effectively communicate information for publications, advertising, posters and signs. Graphic designers are commercial artists who consult with clients and establish the nature and content of designs or illustrations for reproduction. Sketches are prepared and/or photographs are used to render the subject to be covered. The cost of materials and time is made and the final design is produced. The design is then forwarded to the printing part of the operation, or else to an unrelated printer with specific instructions as to how the design is to be used, including its colour composition, etc.

SIC Codes
000000496 - Graphic Design.
000000495 - Photo-engraving.

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 54143 - Graphic Design Services