C1213 - Retail drugs and pharmacies

Industry code: C1213
Premium rate: 0.65

Classification Facts

Class: C - Commodity - Wholesale - Retail
Rate Code: C12 - Light Commodity Marketing
Subcode: 13


Operational Details
The traditional drug store began as a pharmacy dispensing prescribed drugs by prescriptions and over the counter health aids. Over the years the business has evolved to where it operates similar to a corner store, with the exception that there must be a licensed pharmacist on staff to deal with drug prescriptions. Doctors in private practice and from hospitals write prescriptions, which are then taken to hospital pharmacies, or the customer can take it to a pharmacy, or drug store of their choice.

What sets a drug store or pharmacy apart from a corner store is the corner store sells groceries, dairy products, vegetables, but on a smaller scale than a full sized grocery store or food market chain. The focus is on edible products and beverages, with some incidental sales of aspirin, cold remedies and cough medicines, with such items as pampers, diapers and other personal hygienic needs.

A drug store focuses on personal needs, hygienic aids and pharmaceutical needs. Some incidental sales of canned goods are available to supplement their revenue. Activities include: stocking shelves, operating a till, or filling prescriptions by measuring and weighing different compounds and medicines and placing them in containers for the customer.

SIC Codes
000000134 - Drugs/pharmacy

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 44611 - Pharmacies and Drug Stores