B1227 - Construction of wood frame farm buildings

Industry code: B1227
Premium rate: 2.70

Classification Facts

Class: B - Building Construction
Rate Code: B12 - Residential Construction
Subcode: 27


Operational Details
Businesses specializing in farm construction basically use wood to build chicken coops, pig barns, livestock feeders, granaries, barns and other buildings, referred to as out buildings. These buildings are framed using poles or dimensional lumber. Often the smaller buildings are built on a dirt floor with concrete blocks supporting the weight of the structure. Barns and larger building are erected, using a concrete floor and/or pilings to support the framework.

The contractor undertakes all the tasks to construct the buildings. Occasionally a cement contractor is hired to pour a concrete floor.

This subcode does not cover the building of a residential home on the farm, as a farm house is not considered an asset required for production such as a pig barn or livestock shelter. Incidentally wooden fencing and corrals are also built.

SIC Codes
000000100 - Const. of wood frame farm buildings

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 23622 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction