B1226 - Framing

Industry code: B1226
Premium rate: 2.70

Classification Facts

Class: B - Building Construction
Rate Code: B12 - Residential Construction
Subcode: 26


Operational Details
A framing business usually is contracted to provide skilled labour in the erection of wooden members to build out a skeleton or framework for a residence, housing complex, or any other structure that is built out of wood. “Stick frame” construction refers to the use of 2 x 4s, 2 x 6s, 2 x 8s, and 2 x 12s that are used as studs to frame a building.

Material and nails are usually supplied by the building contractor. The framer begins with the framing of the basement, subfloor, walls, ceiling , and roof structural members of a single story building. The same process is used when constructing a two or three story building.

Glulam beams are now often used instead of nailing, gluing or bolting together several 2 x 12s, which serves the same purpose, to act as a dead weight support for heavy loads. Load bearing walls are reinforced with thicker wall studs. Framing includes leaving spaces for windows and doors, and the building of stairs from the basement to the main floor. Other subtrades complete the balance of the construction of a wood framed building.

Equipment used includes hand tools and power tools such as hammers, saws, glue guns,, framing power nailers and staplers, perforated metal plates with nailing strips, skill saws, drills, saber saws, and a table saw.

SIC Codes
000000099 - Framing

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 23813 - Framing Contractors