B1103 - Fire sprinkler installation

Industry code: B1103
Premium rate: 1.82

Classification Facts

Class: B - Building Construction
Rate Code: B11 - Construction Trades


Operational Details
Fire sprinkler businesses supply piping, usually galvanized, copper or other materials that are fire resistant (plastic melts) and sprinkler heads at strategic positions throughout the area to be covered. The system monitors smoke and in case of fire, sensors set off the sprinkler heads and a blanket of mist of water covers the area being damaged. The system also forestalls further damage and controls the fire in the areas it occurs.

The systems are usually hooked up to pre-existing water supplies, and in the case of equipment chemicals are used to avoid further damage by water.

Repair and maintenance is usually restricted to upgrading and renovating. Replacement of defect parts may also be done.

SIC Codes
000000046 - Fire sprinkler inst.

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 23822 - Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors