Significant delay, means an action or activity that occurs later than what is to be expected, impacting a claim to a noticeable degree in that it results in an extended period of disablement for an injured worker or additional costs to an employer.
Effective date: May 1, 2022
Application: Applies to all administrative errors discovered on or after the effective date regardless of claim registration date.
Policy subject: Benefits - General
To establish guidelines for the management and correction of administrative errors by WCB staff.
Significant delay, means an action or activity that occurs later than what is to be expected, impacting a claim to a noticeable degree in that it results in an extended period of disablement for an injured worker or additional costs to an employer.
The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
Sections 20(5), 112, 113, 115(j), 180.
(1) Previous POL 25/2010, Administrative Error – Cost Relief (effective February 3, 2012 to October 31, 2016) superseded by POL 17/2016, Overpayment Recovery – Compensation.