Annual general meeting 2021



The AGM was held virtually by Webex

Registration details

The WCB’s 2021 annual general meeting – delivered virtually by Webex


The WCB held its 2021 annual general meeting (AGM) via Webex on May 26 at 9 a.m. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to maintain physical distancing, our AGM was held virtually via Webex.

The AGM is an important opportunity for you to learn about the WCB’s financial and business achievements in the past year. At the meeting, the WCB shared: 

  • its 2020 financial performance
  • a review of the WCB's 2020 operational results
  • its priorities, and strategic and operational plans
  • forecasts for next year

You can watch the 2021 AGM on the WCB's YouTube channel.

You can view the 2021 AGM transcripts here.



9:00 a.m. Introduction
9:05 a.m. Welcome from the Chair
9:15 a.m.         2020 Overview from the CEO
9:25 a.m.         Safety highlights – Vice-president, prevention & employer services
9:35 a.m Quality & timelines highlights – Vice-president, operations
9:45 a.m.         Financial highlights – Chief financial officer (CFO)
10:05 a.m.       Future Outlook – Phil Germain, CEO
10:20 a.m.       Pre-submitted questions – Chair & CEO
11:20 a.m.       Wrap-up & thank you Chair


Attendees submitted their questions in advance to The WCB addressed the pre-submitted questions during the presentation. Any follow-up questions can also be sent to

Document downloads

The following documents were shared ahead of the WCB's 2021 AGM:

View all of our corporate plans and annual reports.


Please submit your questions in advance