Document name
Interjurisdictional Agreement on Workers’ Compensation (IJA)
Document number
PRO 10/2017

Effective date: October 1, 2017

Application: All interjurisdictional claims.

Policy subject: Benefits - General


To establish guidelines for IJA claims.


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POL 10/2017, International Agreement on Workers’ Compensation (IJA) establishes guidelines for adjudicating IJA claims.


Policy section content
Section detail
  1. The IJA Officer will notify Employer Services when an injury or fatality occurred in:
    1. Saskatchewan, but the worker is a resident of another province or territory.
    2. Another province or territory, but the worker is a resident of Saskatchewan.
  2. Employer Services will determine if there is coverage under The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the “Act”).
    1. If the claim is eligible for coverage under the Act, the IJA Officer will determine if the customer has the option to choose coverage under another jurisdiction (As per Section 35 of the Act and POL and PRO 08/1999, Coverage – Out of Province/Country).
    2. If the customer can choose coverage under another jurisdiction, the IJA Officer will send the customer a Worker’s Election Form (WEF).
    3. If the claim is not eligible for coverage under the Act, the IJA Officer will notify the customer and the claim will be forwarded to the appropriate jurisdiction.

Election Process

  1. Claims will be adjudicated once the WCB receives a completed and signed WEF indicating that the customer chooses coverage in Saskatchewan.
  2. Claims will be disallowed if a WEF is not received within three months of being sent to the customer. At their discretion, the IJA Officer may authorize or recommend an extension of the three month notice period.
  3. If the customer chooses coverage in Saskatchewan, the IJA Officer will refer the file to Claims Entitlement Services for adjudication.
  4. If the customer chooses coverage with another jurisdiction, the IJA Officer will forward the claim to the appropriate jurisdiction. The IJA Officer will advise all parties, in writing, if the customer chooses to file the claim in another jurisdiction.
  5. The IJA Officer will request the worker’s home jurisdiction to reimburse all claim costs when the total cost of the claim is over $1,000.
  6. WCB staff will review IJA claims for cost relief if Saskatchewan is the reimbursing board.


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