New business registration

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Learn the purpose of registration, what information you’ll need to register and how to register.

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Starting a business can be challenging. Let us help you register your business with the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to ensure that you and your workers are covered if an injury occurs at work.

Frequently asked questions

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A: By registering with the WCB, you and your workers will be protected from the results of work-related injuries. Employers are protected against lawsuits and workers receive benefits.

A: No. You must register with the provincial government and the WCB separately.

A: Under the WCB’s governing legislation, The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the Act), all employers operating in industries covered under Saskatchewan’s legislation who hire workers on a regular, casual or contractual basis must register and create an account with the WCB.

Excluded industries and occupations are listed in Part II of the Act (farming and ranching) and in The Workers’ Compensation Miscellaneous Regulations (all other excluded industries). If your business falls under one of these industries, you do not need to register with the WCB.

Generally, you must register if your firm:

  • Works in an industry that is defined as “mandatory” under the Act.
  • Employs and pays workers on a regular, casual or contract basis.

If you come from another province or country to work in Saskatchewan, have no place of business in Saskatchewan and do not employ Saskatchewan residents as workers, you should apply for an account if:

  • You will come to Saskatchewan three or more times a year.
  • You will come to Saskatchewan for five or more days in a row.

Directors of corporations

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, the definition of a worker has changed under The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013.

Directors receiving wages reported on a T4 are no longer included in the definition of a worker.

As a result, directors of a corporation are no longer considered workers and no longer have automatic WCB coverage. You may be able to purchase optional personal coverage with the WCB to be eligible for benefits if you are injured at work. Learn more at

Because of this legislative change, the way you report worker wages on your EPS has changed. Any earnings for directors of a corporation should not be included as worker wages on your 2025 estimates of your EPS. Total assessable wages should not include wages of directors who receive employment income on T4 slips, as these individuals are no longer considered workers.

Read more about the directors of corporations change.

For more information, contact or call our office toll free at 1.800.667.7590.

A: Independent workers are people who do not hire other workers. They are considered a worker of the principal, unless they are eligible for, and have purchased, personal coverage. To be eligible, they must demonstrate they are working for multiple companies. For more information, see our policy, Coverage - Independent Worker (POL 15/52000).

A: The workers’ compensation system is a mandatory insurance system. If you meet the requirements to have an account, you must register your business with the WCB.

A: It is against the law to avoid registering with us. If you don’t register, you could be:

  • Fined, even if a worker is not injured.
  • Required to pay the total compensation costs of a worker’s injury.
  • Required to pay three years of retroactive insurance premiums, even if a worker is not injured.

A: You will need:

  • Complete legal name of your business, or if you are registering under a partnership or proprietorship, the legal names of the partners.
  • Physical address, mailing address and contact information.
  • Federal business number.
  • The start date of operations (and workers) in Saskatchewan.
  • An estimate of your payroll for workers. Effective Jan. 1, 2025, any earnings for directors of corporations should not be included as worker wages on this estimate.
  • A list of contractors you have paid in the previous three years for work done in Saskatchewan, including the type of work completed and the total contract amounts.

A: You need to register within 30 days of beginning work or hiring workers in Saskatchewan.

A: There is no charge for submitting a registration if you are part of a mandatory industry. There is a minimum account fee of $100 per year. Otherwise, your premiums are calculated based on your payroll in the industry you are operating in.

A: Not everyone is eligible for their own account.  Please contact our office to see if you are eligible for an account.  If not, your coverage will be provided by the company you are working for.

A: They will be considered your worker and you will pay premiums for them. You cannot deduct premiums from them unless they are using their own heavy equipment.

A: No. Employees cannot get their own coverage. You cannot deduct premiums from employees.

A: Each province has its own legislation so your coverage may not carry over. Please contact us to see if you need to register. If you don’t need to register, you may be considered a worker of the principal you are working for.

A: If you hire contractors, you are considered an employer under our Act. You should get clearances for any contractors you hire. If the contractor is not registered with us, they will be treated as your worker and you will pay premiums on their behalf. If all of your contractors are registered and in good standing you are only responsible for the minimum account fee.

A: Someone from our office will review the application. If we need more information, we will contact you. If we determine that an account is needed, you will be sent a statement of account with your firm number. For mandatory coverage, if you have hired workers, they are covered even if you do not have a firm number.

A: Yes, there are two important considerations. Your business should be registered with the WCB. If you need help, or have any questions, please call the WCB’s employer services department at 306.787.8013 or toll free at 1.800.667.7590.

It is also important to make sure the business you are buying is in good standing. This can be done by obtaining a sales clearance prior to the completion of the sale. Failure to do so can result in financial penalties.

A: Yes, please complete a new application form and include your previous firm/account number on your application.


For specific inquiries

If you are:

  • ready to register your business
  • requesting a clearance or a letter of good standing
  • revising or updating your payroll
  • discussing your statement of account and/or making a payment

Employer services department

Claim information

For questions on your worker’s injury claim, contact us.

Operations division

For independent and confidential advice

If you are looking for:

A dedicated resource for supporting employers in Saskatchewan. The Employer Advisory Centre is your go-to for answering questions, providing support materials, offering advice, and connecting you with the right information and contacts.

Employer Advisory Centre