Learn this year’s maximum assessable wage rate and how to calculate your workers’ earnings to ensure you are not reporting incorrectly.
Under Section 137(2) of The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the Act), the WCB is required to set a maximum assessable wage rate for each year. The maximum assessable wage rate for 2025 is $104,531.
2022 |
2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
$94,440 |
$96,945 | $99,945 | $104,531 |
Earnings loss benefits for workers are 90 per cent of net earnings up to the maximum in effect for any given year. Because of that, employers are not required to pay premiums on earnings above the maximum amount per worker per year. The maximum amount per person may change from year to year.
Example: A worker’s gross earnings for 2025 are $105,000. The maximum amount per person for 2025 is $104,531. The employer would report $104,531 assessable earnings for this worker.
Example: Company ABC has two workers, each earning $105,000. Taking into account the per-person maximum for 2025, the estimate of wages for 2025 will be:
$104.531 for Worker A
+ $104,531 for Worker B
$209,062 total estimate for 2024
Employers are asked to provide a payroll estimate at the beginning of the year so the WCB can determine employers’ premiums. This payroll estimate should be an accurate reflection of what an employer will pay to their workers up to the maximum that year.
Payroll estimates need to be current because premiums are due in the coverage year to which they apply. If actual wages are more than 50 per cent greater than estimated wages, an underestimate penalty will apply.
Employers can revise their payroll estimates at any time during the year that the estimate is for. This can be done online through your WCB online account or by emailing employerservices@wcbsask.com. If you revise your payroll estimate by email, please include your firm number.
For more information, see the Employer’s Payroll Statement (EPS) page.
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