How to reduce your premium rates

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There are two main ways you can reduce your premium rates.

Prevent injuries

Preventing work injuries is the best way to reduce your premium rate. Injury prevention leads to a better experience rating for your firm and a lower base rate for your industry. Visit WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s website to learn more about injury prevention, including safety regulations governing your business activities, safety obligations for your workers and your workplace and how to complete general health and safety training.


Return workers to work

Studies show that workers recover more quickly and more completely the sooner they are able to return to work when it is medically safe to do so. Modifying job duties where possible allows a worker to return to work safely while they recover. This also reduces the overall claim costs of that injury.


For specific inquiries

If you are:

  • ready to register your business
  • requesting a clearance or a letter of good standing
  • revising or updating your payroll
  • discussing your statement of account and/or making a payment

Employer services department

For independent and confidential advice

If you are looking for:

A dedicated resource for supporting employers in Saskatchewan. The Employer Advisory Centre is your go-to for answering questions, providing support materials, offering advice, and connecting you with the right information and contacts.

Claim information

For questions on your worker’s injury claim:

Operations division