Experience rating program

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Learn how the experience rating program adjusts your premium rate to reflect your company’s claims history and the details of the standard and advanced programs.

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What is the experience rating program?

The experience rating program adjusts WCB premium rates to reflect your company’s claims history, providing an incentive for you to emphasize safety and injury prevention in the workplace. You may receive a discount for a good claims record or be surcharged for a poor claims record.

How the program works

Employers in the experience rating program participate in either the standard program or advanced program based on your premiums paid over a three-year period.

  • Three-year evaluation window: Claim records in 2020-2022
  • Calculation year: 2023
  • Rate year: 2024
  • Employers who have paid premiums of less than $21,000 over three years participate in the standard program.
  • Employers with $21,000 or more in premiums over three years participate in the advanced program.

Discounts and surcharges are calculated at the end of each year after the annual industry premium rates have been approved. The WCB looks at your claims record for a three-year period, called the evaluation window. This window is the three calendar years prior to the year in which rates are being set.

Your premium rate notice will contain your business’ industry premium rate and any discounts or surcharges. This allows you to know your net premiums for budgeting purposes and see how your claims experience impacts your overall premiums. You can access the premium rate notice in the “Claim Reports and Premium Rate” section of your WCB online account – after these documents have been generated each December.

A certificate of achievement will be issued to businesses that receive a discount. Businesses with multiple rate codes are not eligible for a certificate if there is a surcharge in any of their rate codes.

Your premium rate notice, experience rating letter and certificate of achievement, if eligible, are only available through your WCB online account.

More information on the standard and advanced programs:


For more detailed information regarding your claim costs and premium information, your WCB online account provides the following reports:

  • Employer experience summary is a five-year history of your experience rating program information and claims records, including Time Loss and No Time Loss counts and claim costs.
  • Annual costs per claim provides the total costs per claim per year for the last five years.
  • Total costs per claim details the total costs for each claim for the most recent five-year period.
  • Statement of injury costs provides detailed payment information for each claim with costs.

These reports are updated on a monthly basis.


For more detailed information on the experience rating program, please review WCB policy, Experience Rating Program – Discounts or Surcharges (POL 27/2016).

Protection against extraordinary circumstances

The WCB recognizes that a large or catastrophic event can affect your firm’s claim history and experience rating. To minimize the impact of such a situation, individual claims costs are capped at the maximum assessable coverage amount in a given year.

Losing eligibility on discounts

In some cases, employers are not eligible for discounts. There are no discounts for employers that have:

  • A fatality that has occurred and is accepted in either the rate setting year or the previous year, or
  • Been convicted of a criminal offence under section 217.1 of Canada’s Criminal Code in the current or previous year. This law defines criminal charges for employers who fail to provide safe workplaces.

Working towards an injury-free Saskatchewan

The WCB’s goal is to see Saskatchewan workplaces injury-free and fatality-free.

Our prevention department can help you understand your injury data and assist you with your workplace safety and return-to-work programs. Contact prevention at 306.787.6916, toll free 1.800.667.7590 ext. 6916 or email worksafeinquiry@wcbsask.com.

More information on workplace safety is available on the WorkSafe Saskatchewan website.


Still have questions?

Contact the employer services department. Representatives are available to answer any questions you have.

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Two people signing documents

View your experience rating letter online

Access your premium rate notice, experience rating letter and certificate of achievement, if eligible, through your WCB online account.

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If you are looking for:

A dedicated resource for supporting employers in Saskatchewan. The Employer Advisory Centre is your go-to for answering questions, providing support materials, offering advice, and connecting you with the right information and contacts.


Claim information

For questions on your worker’s injury claim, contact us.

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