If you have an abnormal change in your features as a result of a work injury, you may qualify for disfigurement benefits. Learn the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board’s definition of “disfigurement” and what you should submit to the WCB.
AMA Guides - The American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment defines disfigurement as a conspicuous alteration or abnormal change in the features of the face, neck, hands, torso and/or upper and lower extremities and/or substantial and permanent scarring of these areas. Disfigurement is related to the cosmetic appearance of the body.
If you have an permanent abnormal change in your features as a result of a work injury, you may qualify for a permanent functional impairment award. You will be required to submit digital colour photographs.
Scarring that is caused by an amputation will not qualify for a separate permanent functional impairment award because the permanent functional impairment rating for amputations already includes a cosmetic factor.
When digital colour photographs are required, you need to take the photographs and provide them to your customer care facilitator two years from the date of injury or your most current surgery. It is recommended that the photographs be provided through one of these methods:
Colour photographs on photographic paper may be acceptable in some situations. The WCB will reimburse all reasonable costs associated with providing photographs.
Your customer care facilitator will attach digital colour photographs to your claim file. Once the photographs are attached, the customer care facilitator will send a referral to the medical officer, who will complete a permanent functional impairment assessment to determine the rating.
If your disfigurement involves body parts of a sensitive nature, your customer care facilitator will contact the medical officer to determine if digital colour photographs of the disfigurement are required. Sensitive photographs will be delivered directly and securely to the medical officer.
If you have a significant disfigurement or a life-threatening injury, the WCB may provide support to your family.
Contact a WCB representative to find help.
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