Appealing a decision on your employer account

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Find out who to contact if you have questions or disagree with a decision made on your employer account, such as employer registration, industry classification, payroll reporting, premium assessment and experience rating, and how to submit an appeal to employer services.

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The Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is committed to making decisions that are fair and correct. We want to make sure you understand all the decisions made regarding your employer account. We know that sometimes you may not agree with a decision made on your employer account and we want to help.

It is important that you know your rights when it comes to questioning a decision made on your employer account with the WCB. We will make every attempt to resolve disagreements whenever possible.

The WCB’s employer services department is responsible for:

  • employer registration
  • industry classification
  • payroll reporting and premium assessment
  • experience rating

If you need help

Employer Advisory Centre

The Employer Advisory Centre is an independent and confidential service provided to help employers with:

  • Education on disability prevention, return to work, effective claims management and appeals.
  • Support and advice to determine whether the employer has a legitimate appealable situation.
  • Education on the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal.
  • Guiding the employer through the process of drafting and filing a WCB appeal where necessary.
  • The Employer Advisory Centre will not provide employers with representation services at an appeals tribunal.

Visit the Employer Advisory Centre website for more information.


How to appeal a decision on your employer account

Section steps

Step 1: Initial review

If you are questioning any decisions made on your employer account, you can contact our office at 1.800.667.7590 for an explanation. If, after this initial conversation, you still do not agree with the decision made, you are able to submit a first level appeal. Appeals at any stage must be sent to our office in writing. This can be done by emailing or by sending a fax or letter to our office.

Your appeal will be reviewed by our front line staff and a decision will be made and communicated to you. Please make sure you provide any additional information that may previously have been missed.

The appeal must be made in writing and should include:

  • the decision you are appealing
  • why you disagree with the decision
  • how you think it should be resolved
  • any other information to support your position

Step 2: Assessment committee

If you have completed step 1 and disagree with the decision, you can appeal to the assessment committee. You can send your appeal by email to or in writing to the assessment committee:

Employer services assessment committee
Saskatchewan WCB

200 – 1881 Scarth St.

Regina SK  S4P 4L1

Fax: 306.787.4205


The appeal must be made in writing and include:

  • the decision you are appealing
  • the date the decision was made
  • the WCB staff member that made the decision
  • why you disagree with the decision
  • how you think it should be resolved
  • any other information to support your position

Step 3: Board Appeal Tribunal

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the assessment committee, there is one final step in the appeal process. Please visit the Board Appeal Tribunal page for more information. 


Additional forms

You can appoint someone to act on your behalf and request information from your employer file or the worker’s claim file to help you prepare your appeal. You have to complete forms to do this.

Print these forms off, complete them and mail or fax them to us.

Frequently asked questions

Accordion content

A: The first step is to discuss the decision with the original WCB decision maker to better understand the reasons for the decision you disagree with and to ask the original decision maker to review their decision before you appeal.

There are two types of employer appeals: appealing a decision on your worker’s injury claim and appealing a decision on your employer account.

If a discussion with the initial decision maker on your employer account does not change the decision (for example, a decision on employer registration, industry classification, payroll reporting, premium assessment and experience rating) you disagree with, and you still wish to appeal, you can ask employer services to independently review the disputed decision.

If you would like more support, advice and guidance with the appeals process, including if you have a legitimate appealable situation, the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal, contact the independent and confidential Employer Advisory Centre.

A: Include your name as the employer, the decision you are appealing, the date of the decision in dispute, the name of the original decision-maker, reasons why you disagree with the decision, and how you would like the matter resolved. Provide any additional information that you might have that is relevant to the decision you are appealing or why you disagree.

If you would like more support, advice and guidance with the appeals process, including if you have a legitimate appealable situation, the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal, contact the independent and confidential Employer Advisory Centre.

A: If you disagree with a decision of the appeals department, you have the right to further appeal to the Board Appeal Tribunal as the final level of appeal.

If you would like more support, advice and guidance with the appeals process, including if you have a legitimate appealable situation, the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal, contact the independent and confidential Employer Advisory Centre.


A: The Board Appeal Tribunal is comprised of two or more members of the board. This is the last and final level of appeal at the WCB. The Board Appeal Tribunal is bound by the Act and has full discretionary authority in all matters delegated to it under the Act. The Board Appeal Tribunal may rescind, alter, or amend a prior decision made on an employer account based on the real merits and justice of each particular case.


A: The FPO receives inquiries and questions about WCB practices in all areas of service delivery. However, it cannot review issues that are under appeal. Please visit the Fair Practices Office page for more information.


A: The Employer Advisory Centre is an independent and confidential service provided to help employers with:

  • Education on disability prevention, return to work, effective claims management and appeals.
  • Support and advice to determine whether the employer has a legitimate appealable situation.
  • Education on the likelihood of winning an appeal and/or coaching to prepare for an appeal.
  • Guiding the employer through the process of drafting and filing a WCB appeal where necessary.
  • The Employer Advisory Centre will not provide employers with representation services at an appeals tribunal.

Visit the Employer Advisory Centre website for more information.



Get in touch with us

For appeals on a decision on your employer account:

Employer services assessment committee

For independent and confidential advice

If you are looking for:

A dedicated resource for supporting employers in Saskatchewan. The Employer Advisory Centre is your go-to for answering questions, providing support materials, offering advice, and connecting you with the right information and contacts.

Employer Advisory Centre